Hi everyone,
A request was made that we should have a constitution for Transition Sheffield. This means that we can have a bank account and have the option of applying for relevant funding.
The simplest type of constitution is for unincorporated organisations. I got a basic one from Voluntary Action Sheffield, and modified it to suit us.
I've uploaded it into the wiki at: https://wiki.transitionsheffield.org.uk/Constitution.
The principles it refers to can be found at: https://wiki.transitionsheffield.org.uk/Aims
So, if you have any suggestions or issues with it then do shout up.
Next steps:
Once we've agreed to use this constitution, we'll need three names on the document, as an initial committee. We do have a volunteer to act as a treasurer and I guess others might come from original members of the hub group. However we'll have a Sheffield-wide Transition event at which we can have a speedy AGM and give other people a chance to stand on the committee. This will be announced on the Sheffield-wide announcements list.